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Your Deliverance Has a New Look

103805176_640The Way is Hard Pressed [leading to life], and, not many there are that find it (Matthew 7:14).

Deliverance has a new look.

Let’s talk today about how difficult it might be for us to keep our bearing. Scripture speaks of the Way in terms of struggle and pain during the walk. Hence, there is misconception brought about by those who deliver these messages of prosperities which has deceived us to the point that we do not look any place to find Yah, except in our wallets.

Then we should ask then what if our wallets are empty? Or what if our houses are substandard? What if we don’t own a car, or the car is in disrepair? What then are we to do with ourselves if the Way is prosperity which everyone seeks, then, where does that leave many of us who love the Most High?

Think again and consider what that means.

If people continue to take in the lie, then we begin to see this is the very reason why trust has been lost. Many people have lost trust in the Most High,  because no matter how they try there is still trouble, hopelessness, and struggle. Hence, what we need to do is look elsewhere, because the Way is hard pressed and not easy as in prosperity teaches.


“Enter in through the narrow gate! Because the gate is wide – and the way is broad – that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it. “Because the gate is narrow and the way is hard pressed [or the way is afflicted] which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).

Today: Press through the lies and hypocrisy of erroneous teaching and know that your answer is in the search of Truth in the Most High who says He will be found when we search with our whole [entire] heart. What that means is that He is not in our wallets as is the thing in the broad road to destruction.

For your hearing:

Matthew 7

Count it All Joy and Persevere until You Overcome

bible-hebrewsThere again, scripture says “Count it all joy” when you fall into divers [various] trials because there is ‘Proving of your belief” working in you to generate perseverance.
Every where people profess the name of Jesus. There is nothing new about that, because history proclaims that the Hebrews throughout the centuries have been beaten into submission concerning Christianity, especially in slavery where their owners used the bible to dole out lashes if someone disobeyed them. It is the case, that the name has stuck both spiritually and mentally through the ages.

If this is the case, then it would behoove us to see that the ‘proving’ these verses speak of is not Jesus, Christianity or anything else but True belief of the Most High. In essence, those who believed in Yahuah first, and those who are called back to His name.


The proving of your belief then brings about trials of various types. In other words, one should ask how can one be saved from something where everyone is saved? Hence, if Christianity says all are saved, then this is contrary to what the scriptures proposes, that is, someone needs saving and it is in a name unknown to us today. Why? Several reasons present themselves, (a) We forgot, (b) someone intentionally left it out, and (c) the name was changed. We can now began to see that trials might come for choosing to believe other than we were taught spiritually and mentally.

For example, through belief, that is heart and mind acceptance of evidence presented does not necessarily mean actions in behavior present themselves all at once, however, there has been confession of belief other than what we have been taught.

“But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” – that is, the word of belief which we are proclaiming: that if you confess with your mouth the Master יהושע and believe in your heart that Elohim has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, and so is saved.” (Romans 10:8-10).

Additionally, with this confession come trials to get us to deny the belief we have confessed in truth. Look at Job how when various trials came upon him all who knew him, even his wife said that either he had done something to bring that on [sinful behavior] and that he should curse the Most High. Hence, the same can be applied to your belief, that is intentional sin reigns, or for this occasion the testing of your belief.

Essentially, either we do or we do not. Those who do persevere, because the testing is bringing about as James said, “endurance”.

Endurance entails that something greater is coming about. Hence,the question becomes who shall overcome it? Ask for wisdom.

For your hearing:

James 1

Be Steadfast & Unmovable

saiKeep your eye on the prize. Know that the race is not given to the swift, nor is it given to the strong but to those who endure [hold on, hang in there, who do not give up and do not faint]. until the end.

“I again saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the mighty, nor even bread to the wise, nor even riches to men of understanding, nor even favour to men of knowledge – for time and chance meets with them all“. (Ecclesiastes 9:11).

So what that says today is that all have the same start, but unfortunately not all hang in there.

Today: Are you the one? Today are you the one who will hold on to the finish. It is well today, believe it.

For your hearing:

(1 Corinthians 15:58) Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Master, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Master.

Facing God: I Will Not Quit Until You Bless Me


And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.” But he said, “I am not letting You go until You have blessed me!” So He asked him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Yaʽaqoḇ.” And He said, “Your name is no longer called Yaʽaqoḇ, but Yisra’ĕl, because you have striven with Elohim and with men, and have overcome.” [Yisra’ĕl means “to strive with Ěl, to overcome with Ěl, (then) to rule with Ěl” ]. And Yaʽaqoḇ asked Him, saying, “Please let me know Your Name.” And He said, “Why do you ask about My Name?” And He blessed him there. And Yaʽaqoḇ called the name of the place Peni’ĕl, “For I have seen Elohim face to face, and my life is preserved.” (Genesis 32:26-30).

If we can imagine what it would be like to actually wrestle with the Most High as Jacob did then we must consider that we must do the same as he did, that is, to actually wrestle with Him. However, to do that we must be a contender in the work for the Most High. In actuality, what this says is that Jacob was not a quitter, not a ‘wanna be’. Hence, it is the case that when we wrestle with something we desire to contend, or we are bent on having that thing no matter the cost. Jacob was determined to contend. How do we know this? We know because when the Messenger said, “Let me go”, Jacob did not, essentially, getting his request to be blessed. How many are able to hang in there and wrestle with the Most High even with your hip out of joint?

What that means sir, ma’am is that there is going to be pain to get the blessing. We are going to have to go through something to be a contender for the blessing.

Some of us expect ease, comfort, a good time. I can imagine that those of us who lack wealth or even having a minimal amount of money can relate to uncomfortable conditions. Some of us wonder from time to time how ends will meet because of lack. Its never easy for some of us who hang in there dispite the situation, but there are those who quit, who give up or are about to, then, this message is for you who are thinking about throwing in towel and if you have put the towel down already pick it back up, because it is not too late to be a contender.

Longsuffering has its priviledges. Ladies and Gentlemen, when we contend with something is not to tolerate only but to wrestle with it, because that thing may bring you face to face with the Most High. That means to struggle, to move, to deal with it. Whatever it is.

Today: Anybody got some ‘ITS’ to deal with? Hang in there. It just may be God.

For your hearing:

Genesis 32:24; Ephesians 6:12

What and Who are You Celebrating?

Molting: To shed part or all of a coat or an outer covering, such as feathers, cuticle, or skin, which is then replaced by a new growth.

Molting: To shed part or all of a coat or an outer covering, such as feathers, cuticle, or skin, which is then replaced by a new growth.

I like the birth of the Messiah story, don’t you? Hence, we see that Mariam being very pregnant; her and her espoused had to change direction, that is take another course because their enemy was out to kill. Yep, and how many know that the couple turned into Egypt to hide (Matthew 2). Hence, what we see is a couple led by the Ruach run to safety among white people?

No, black people cannot run into the arms of their enemy if they want to be saved. Its deceptive to believe that anyone is safe in the land of oppression [as we will see later], however, what we need to see right now is that Egypt was safe then because of the color of the people’s skin. So how do we get this across amidst images of white in a black land?

So the movies portray this, however, how is it no one gets the idea of those people being sunburned along with that? It is the case, that it humanly impossible for albinoes to remain in temperatures that can be well over 104 degrees in the summer.

Ask: If these people cannot stand the heat in America which in some places is extreme how could they stand it then or today? How can that be?

In any case, the premise here is the time of year reflected today for the birth is impossible as well when even in the winter in Egypt temperatures can plummet to well below 32 degrees so what we are saying here is that according to today’s standard that our Messiah was subjugated to neglect?

See: White People are Cursed by God

In other words, to cement the idea of a white baby the winter birth suffices for those asleep.

Escape or Excuse?

download (2)It is a bunch of crock and bull to use the excuse ‘its a spirit’ concerning homosexuality, or rather, all sin for that matter. Well yeah, duhhh it is a spirit, but if we have authority to case out demons in the Name because these people are carrying a wicked spirit then why aren’t people able to cast those out?

In essence, we yell its a spirit, because we do not know what to do. Its like giving up, helpless, without hope and walking away.

Hence, here comes another excuse because people cannot get help which says they are born that way. Bull corn, fooey and boloney! No! Yah said male and female. So if someone is saying different that means they are lying to them self. A lie has to be thought of, convincing self to belief and then acted out. Then someone none discerning believes the lie too wanting to be well like, wanting to be a good parent, friend, not wanting to offend. People are tricked to unbelief. Because there is always a way out. Yah said it, he provides an escape (1 Corinthians 10:13), but we don’t want escape we want excuse (Romans 1).

Come on now let us reason. Better yet, let us look at the fact that anyonThe Most High said that people are without excuse (Romans 1).e needs help. There is a problem that has over powered the so called church, and its not cause people are not praying, it is because they are praying in the wrong Name.

For your hearing:

Romans 1-2

The Most High Comforts where it Hurts

65954_896879876991310_6976952092739595466_nI had no idea Lady GaGa was so pretty. She is a beautiful woman and speaking of her rape at 19 years old, and a subsequent video about the event she says, “I was messed up!” Notably, the star says that she was not so messed up when the event took place, but decidedly pronounces that years later did notice her plight. She spoke about not telling anyone, and even a time when she saw her attacker in the store where she shopped she says though afraid she never told. In essence, it is that way until we own up to the truth, that is it happened and learn to deal with the pain.

In saying that we learn to tell with the pain, Lady GaGa doesn’t see herself as messed up but her outer appearance is a matter of deviance to cover up something, and says something altogether different.

In essence some of us are all covering something, that is, hurtfulness never dealt with. Hence, we do outlandish things to draw attention away…lest any one know our secret. No matter, Yah knows our hurt and he cares.

Today: Cast it away!

For your hearing:
Cast your burden on יהוה, And let Him sustain you; He never allows the righteous to be shaken. For You, O Elohim, do bring them down To the pit of destruction; Men of blood and deceit do not reach half their days; But I, I trust in You. (Psalms 55:22,23).

Paganism and the Holiday Season

download (2)So then I heard someone say “Thank the Lord we made it to another one”, and I was thinking to myself ‘Another what?’

I could have taken this to say that the person was thankful for another day, but I knew this person was thinking what all people still pagan in their thinking thought of yesterday, and that is, ‘Thanksgiving’.

Truly we are hooked. We are hooked when all the evidence presented straight from the word of the Most High is ignored. We are hooked if we cannot break free from it.

In the past, I have never seen anyone carry over the message of repentance into the Thanksgiving dinner table discussion. Hence, there are game discussions, what happened over the last year since we met and families sometimes in the same city have not the forewithal to call and check on a loved one.

In fact, I have to wonder if there is any care or compassion past this one day. In essence, repentance then is not a topic of worldly tradition leading no where. Plus the fact that more people sin yet again through gluttony during the holiday season.

Today: Think better than that and say to be thankful I will seek out the will of the Most High for myself and those I love. Prayerfully eyes will be opened and ears will hear truth.

For your hearing:
Matthew 4: 13-17

Write the Vision

downloadThe writer penned the words which say, “I was young and now am old, but I have never seen the set apart [righteous] forsaken, Or his seed begging bread.” (Psalms 37:25).
A bombshell was dropped there for Yah’s beloved, because this word does not speak to the crowd, but to those who are standing without the crowd, or who, might hear truth.
This verse, speaks to the present condition of a people so we should consider the time written. In this case, see that there is need to come out of the dank and dark dungeon like mindset of seeking what everyone else does, that is, seeking to be rich and learn to think separately from that.
The writer is telling us that in his time [past tense] he has never seen a set apart one or his seed begging bread.
There’s a problem here, when we see so many struggling, and down and out. The scriptures are true so what happened then?
Generations later the seed are begging bread.
Come out….he concludes with what is a futuristic promise if we want it.
“All day long he is showing favour and lending; And his seed is for a blessing. Turn away from evil, and do good; And dwell forever” [v.26,27].

There shall be no other signs, you have the Book of Moshe’ [Torah]

The-Scriptures-2009-005While we are here let’s talk about that. Remember the story about the man who lived his life any kinda of way [Luke 16:19-31]. Apparently he did what he wanted to do with no regard of the poor at all. As a matter of fact, that man being rich passed by a poor man who sat at the gate begging each day and never gave a penny so the man could eat. One day the beggar died and so did the rich man, however, the two ended in very different places because of how they lived.
It came to pass that the beggar walked himself to the bosom of Abraham; while the rich man walked himself to hell, and suffering his plight asked for a cool finger to cool his tongue.
Abraham responded to the request saying, ‘“But Abraham  said, ‘Son, remember that in your life you received your good, and likewise Elʽazar the evil, but now he is comforted and you are suffering.”
Continuing the rich man asked that word be sent to warn his brethren, however, Abraham said:
‘They have Mosheh and the prophets, let them hear them.’ If they do not hear Mosheh and the prophets, neither would they be persuaded even if one should rise from the dead.’ ”
Ladies and Gentlemen, there is no other word to redeem us to the Most High.
He that hath an ear to hear will hear.