Monthly Archives: August 2013

Yah Wants Worship In Spirit and in Truth– Not Rituals!

The Dailey Grind

Wow, this is mind blowing. We should pay close attention to what we hear, see and do from now on. rituals 3

If redeemption equals salvation, then what about being reborn or born again. The two are not the same.

It is no wonder then that we believe or self saved and yet remain undelivered from sinful behavior. Knowing this can break a yoke concerning truth erroneous teaching thereof.

A brief glimpse at redemption and the nature of the rebirth process proves without doubt this is right.

Look at the definitions of the two:

Redemption, is an act of redeeming or atoning for a fault or mistake, or the state of being redeemed. Also note that redemption is a deliverance or a rescue. In theological terms, redemption is deliverance from sin, salvation. Lastly, redemption is atonement for guilt.

We get that, or should get that the above act of grace we can…

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