Monthly Archives: February 2015

Your Deliverance Has a New Look

103805176_640The Way is Hard Pressed [leading to life], and, not many there are that find it (Matthew 7:14).

Deliverance has a new look.

Let’s talk today about how difficult it might be for us to keep our bearing. Scripture speaks of the Way in terms of struggle and pain during the walk. Hence, there is misconception brought about by those who deliver these messages of prosperities which has deceived us to the point that we do not look any place to find Yah, except in our wallets.

Then we should ask then what if our wallets are empty? Or what if our houses are substandard? What if we don’t own a car, or the car is in disrepair? What then are we to do with ourselves if the Way is prosperity which everyone seeks, then, where does that leave many of us who love the Most High?

Think again and consider what that means.

If people continue to take in the lie, then we begin to see this is the very reason why trust has been lost. Many people have lost trust in the Most High,  because no matter how they try there is still trouble, hopelessness, and struggle. Hence, what we need to do is look elsewhere, because the Way is hard pressed and not easy as in prosperity teaches.


“Enter in through the narrow gate! Because the gate is wide – and the way is broad – that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it. “Because the gate is narrow and the way is hard pressed [or the way is afflicted] which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).

Today: Press through the lies and hypocrisy of erroneous teaching and know that your answer is in the search of Truth in the Most High who says He will be found when we search with our whole [entire] heart. What that means is that He is not in our wallets as is the thing in the broad road to destruction.

For your hearing:

Matthew 7