Category Archives: spiritual

Count it All Joy and Persevere until You Overcome

bible-hebrewsThere again, scripture says “Count it all joy” when you fall into divers [various] trials because there is ‘Proving of your belief” working in you to generate perseverance.
Every where people profess the name of Jesus. There is nothing new about that, because history proclaims that the Hebrews throughout the centuries have been beaten into submission concerning Christianity, especially in slavery where their owners used the bible to dole out lashes if someone disobeyed them. It is the case, that the name has stuck both spiritually and mentally through the ages.

If this is the case, then it would behoove us to see that the ‘proving’ these verses speak of is not Jesus, Christianity or anything else but True belief of the Most High. In essence, those who believed in Yahuah first, and those who are called back to His name.


The proving of your belief then brings about trials of various types. In other words, one should ask how can one be saved from something where everyone is saved? Hence, if Christianity says all are saved, then this is contrary to what the scriptures proposes, that is, someone needs saving and it is in a name unknown to us today. Why? Several reasons present themselves, (a) We forgot, (b) someone intentionally left it out, and (c) the name was changed. We can now began to see that trials might come for choosing to believe other than we were taught spiritually and mentally.

For example, through belief, that is heart and mind acceptance of evidence presented does not necessarily mean actions in behavior present themselves all at once, however, there has been confession of belief other than what we have been taught.

“But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” – that is, the word of belief which we are proclaiming: that if you confess with your mouth the Master יהושע and believe in your heart that Elohim has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, and so is saved.” (Romans 10:8-10).

Additionally, with this confession come trials to get us to deny the belief we have confessed in truth. Look at Job how when various trials came upon him all who knew him, even his wife said that either he had done something to bring that on [sinful behavior] and that he should curse the Most High. Hence, the same can be applied to your belief, that is intentional sin reigns, or for this occasion the testing of your belief.

Essentially, either we do or we do not. Those who do persevere, because the testing is bringing about as James said, “endurance”.

Endurance entails that something greater is coming about. Hence,the question becomes who shall overcome it? Ask for wisdom.

For your hearing:

James 1

Be Steadfast & Unmovable

saiKeep your eye on the prize. Know that the race is not given to the swift, nor is it given to the strong but to those who endure [hold on, hang in there, who do not give up and do not faint]. until the end.

“I again saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the mighty, nor even bread to the wise, nor even riches to men of understanding, nor even favour to men of knowledge – for time and chance meets with them all“. (Ecclesiastes 9:11).

So what that says today is that all have the same start, but unfortunately not all hang in there.

Today: Are you the one? Today are you the one who will hold on to the finish. It is well today, believe it.

For your hearing:

(1 Corinthians 15:58) Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Master, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Master.

Its so Hard to say to Goodbye to Yesterday? No not Really!

10488221_905713779441253_2206720311188412582_nThe scriptures say that the believers are to judge within the body. What that means is if we see someone in a sin [sexual or otherwise] then we are to be confronted or to confront on that thing. The scripture says to convict them.

In other words, you have heard of an intervention? This is it.

“And if your brother sins against you, go and reprove him, between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. “But if he does not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word might be established.’ “And if he refuses to hear them, say it to the assembly. And if he refuses even to hear the assembly, let him be to you like a gentile and a tax collector. “Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be having been bound in heaven, and whatever you loosen on earth shall be having been loosened in heaven”. (Matthew 18:15-18).

As we can see there is no binding up if the leaders are urging the folly.The judging comes in as an excuse to keep on with it, however, the scripture is clear on that as well saying:

“But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone called ‘a brother,’ if he is one who whores, or greedy of gain, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler – not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are inside? But Elohim judges those who are outside. And put away the wicked one from among you! (1 Corinthians 5:11-13).

The Most High Comforts where it Hurts

65954_896879876991310_6976952092739595466_nI had no idea Lady GaGa was so pretty. She is a beautiful woman and speaking of her rape at 19 years old, and a subsequent video about the event she says, “I was messed up!” Notably, the star says that she was not so messed up when the event took place, but decidedly pronounces that years later did notice her plight. She spoke about not telling anyone, and even a time when she saw her attacker in the store where she shopped she says though afraid she never told. In essence, it is that way until we own up to the truth, that is it happened and learn to deal with the pain.

In saying that we learn to tell with the pain, Lady GaGa doesn’t see herself as messed up but her outer appearance is a matter of deviance to cover up something, and says something altogether different.

In essence some of us are all covering something, that is, hurtfulness never dealt with. Hence, we do outlandish things to draw attention away…lest any one know our secret. No matter, Yah knows our hurt and he cares.

Today: Cast it away!

For your hearing:
Cast your burden on יהוה, And let Him sustain you; He never allows the righteous to be shaken. For You, O Elohim, do bring them down To the pit of destruction; Men of blood and deceit do not reach half their days; But I, I trust in You. (Psalms 55:22,23).

There shall be no other signs, you have the Book of Moshe’ [Torah]

The-Scriptures-2009-005While we are here let’s talk about that. Remember the story about the man who lived his life any kinda of way [Luke 16:19-31]. Apparently he did what he wanted to do with no regard of the poor at all. As a matter of fact, that man being rich passed by a poor man who sat at the gate begging each day and never gave a penny so the man could eat. One day the beggar died and so did the rich man, however, the two ended in very different places because of how they lived.
It came to pass that the beggar walked himself to the bosom of Abraham; while the rich man walked himself to hell, and suffering his plight asked for a cool finger to cool his tongue.
Abraham responded to the request saying, ‘“But Abraham  said, ‘Son, remember that in your life you received your good, and likewise Elʽazar the evil, but now he is comforted and you are suffering.”
Continuing the rich man asked that word be sent to warn his brethren, however, Abraham said:
‘They have Mosheh and the prophets, let them hear them.’ If they do not hear Mosheh and the prophets, neither would they be persuaded even if one should rise from the dead.’ ”
Ladies and Gentlemen, there is no other word to redeem us to the Most High.
He that hath an ear to hear will hear.

An AHA Moment

light-bulb-moment1stHere is why we should pay close attention to these terms. In an earlier post the lesson brought that we should not fight with temptation but expose it. Hence, to do that we are going to do a dissection.

Here is the scripture Matthew 4:1 which reads:
Then יהושע was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tried by the devil.

We want to concentrate on the devil here, not that Yahusha was tempted, because we know that he is victorious. However, the fact that we are not is a force to reckon.

Remember I said that we need to learn to use Satan’s name. I know we don’t like to say it I agree, because I am having a hard time writing it, but we cannot resist the opponent with our eyes closed. So wake up!

Satan, is a noun [masculine] according to Hebrew translation means an adversary, or the adversary and the one who opposes himself to another.

In the general sense, Satan also is a personal entity or a national one which makes sense since the scripture says he roams to and fro. The adversary makes war (1 Kings 5:18; 11:14,23, 25) and he is an enemy in the court of justice (Psalms 109:6), and also opposes himself to another (2 Samuel 19:23; Numbers 22:22, and it says, “the angel of Yahovah stood in the way to resist Him” [v. 32].

The devil, or rather, for this verse ‘the devil’ is not speaking of a person, place or thing as represented with a name but is speaking of the entity’s character, according to the Greek translation of diabolos [diabolical] which means the character of Satan is diabolical. The term is an adjective which means when we say ‘the devil’ we are describing something devilish, or rather, in this case according to the greek diabolical. Does that make sense?

Let’s see some more:

Satan is prone to slander , a slanderer
Satan is an a calumniator, false accuser,
Metaphorically, Satan, applied to a man who, by opposing the cause of God, may be said to act the part of the devil or to side with him

Satan is a diabolical liar, schemer, trickster, conster, manipulator and his behavior is devilish. However, how can we resist someone we cannot think to call by name?

Same thing:

Submit your will to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Submit your will to Yah, resist Satan and he will flee you.

We Were Once Trees, but Now We are Stumps

10325159_795786827100616_5801583484141491399_nWe are reading in Isaiah.

We were once trees, but now we are stumps.

From Chapter 11 it reads, “Isa 11:1 And a Rod shall come forth from the stump of Yishai, and a Sprout from his roots shall bear fruit. The Spirit of יהוה shall rest upon Him – the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of יהוה, ”

I don’tknow why we believe that the Messiah came for people looking good and smelling pretty. From the looks and sound of this verse there is indication there that Yahushua was born into a wretched and messy family. Sounds exactly like black folk.

The minute we stop overeating, lose a little weight, or come off the cocaine, or stop whoring around, or get a little degree or make a dollar past two we become puffed, proud and arrogant. Don’t let us know a scripture, because then we go about acting holier than thou. And I asked what happened to the person underneath all the make up and hair whatever became of his or her heart?

Being that we are so caught up in new design, who did this and that we never really start to seek an answer for our problems which brought us to the point of overeating, smoking crack, whoring. Hence, the only thing we did was seek stuff to make us be whole, but are we really, whole?

We were once trees, but now we are stumps. Kinda like we don’t realize we have been cut down, but for that reason since we’ve been cut down Yahuah come to save us. If we have not that connection then we die, but because Yah has a hand on us and allows us to ask forgiveness we can become one with him—again.

My neighbor’s tree will be an illustration of this message. That tree has been torn and falls apart with every wind and rain, however, because of the root that tree stands strong even though there are parts rotted and there are parts cut off…new life forms because they are connected to the source .

Do Not Worry and Do Not Fret!

worryThe Most High has prepared for our mindset of being accepted and of our tendency to worry about having what we need, or to worry about what another person has. Seems like many of us worry to much about what we will wear and how we will look, where we will live or even how we will do these things, but He says do not worry. That is a great thing to have a word to turn to, however, we have to be in a mind still to accept that word of encouragement “Do not”, and most importantly “Do not fret” because we see evil doers prospering.

I don’t chase down money. I need it, even may need a job, but I don’t beg for or covet people’s stuff. People might believe that everyone has that spirit of wanting their stuff, being envious and jealous but I am not that way. If you have whatever you have that is good for you. However, some of you I see that you are probably tired and worn out because of trying to keep up. I don’t have a competitive spirit. Hence, if I write, work or play I do it unto Yah, because he is bigger than you and me and he owns it, that is, everything. Therefore, I am not without anything and if I lose anything it is because the time has been spent with that.

He says, “You cannot be a slave of two masters; you will hate one and love the other; you will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. “This is why I tell you: do not be worried about the food and drink you need in order to stay alive, or about clothes for your body. After all, isn’t life worth more than food? And isn’t the body worth more than clothes?” (Matthew 6:24-25).

Particularly note, the use of the term slave. Here we see that black people cringe at this term. However, it is used quite often in text to denote bondage to something, enslaved to a system. Hence, people can become slaves to anything without even knowing, that is to money, sex, dependency on other people, as in human trafficking, food, clothes, lustful passions such as being angry. Yes, we can become addicted to being angry to the point of killing another for what they have. Does that make sense? Then start today to change that thinking.

Today: Say I will not worry about what I do not have, for Yahuah has created a place for me. I will not fret about tomorrow and concentrate on what is before me today to get done. Today I have victory, because it is Yah’s plan and its a good one.

For your hearing:

Psalms 37

Matthew 6

The Reign of Heaven on Earth

the kingdom of heavenThe reign of heaven is not what we think.

We should look deeply at this this term reign because Yahshua says he is giving us the reign of heaven and we shouldn’t be so quick to think money and wealth so quickly. If Yah says, “Do not worry,” and “I will supply your needs” this brings to light that someone is not living a glam filled life.

So listen, to have the reign of heaven on earth is what this means {Matthew 7].

To reign on earth one has to have thinking of predominance, or rather to hold the position and name of sovereign with out exercising the ruling power. In other words, to reign on earth we enjoy the privileges of a heavenly lifestyle until its time to take our place again as royal priests. That means, control over our thoughts, our lifestyles as chosen, beloved and graced of Yah. Does that make sense?

Look at this:

Mat 13:44 “Again, the reign of the heavens is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man having found it, hid, and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Mat 13:45 “Again, the reign of the heavens is like a man, a merchant, seeking fine pearls,
Mat 13:46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

So then we are finding truth of identity and giving up ungodliness for righteousness or right thinking to live set apart.

You have heard sold out, or you have heard do not cast your pearls to the swine, then this is it? The reign of heaven on earth.

Few there are who find it. The narrow gate.

Count those Trials as Joy!

“My brothers, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the proving of your belief works endurance. And let endurance have a perfect work, so that you be perfect and complete, lacking in naught.” (James 1:2-4). 

James_1_2_3So let’s talk about the ‘fall’ into various trials. Suppose we are looking for work and a friend, a neighbor, whomever says “I know a place that is hiring right now!” “They pay such and such”. You say give me the information, and because of your need seek out to find more details of the job, fill out the application and arrange for an interview. [Time elapsed], and once in, though excited about the chance to work start to notice somethings are just not right. Not only that, once you present your findings to management from then on you are on a black list of sorts. Everyday getting up to go to work is a burden, its painful and you are filled with despair. The good thing about the experience is that Yah has allowed the trial to test you. Not for your goodness you see, but to see if you will remain faithful and not give in to oppressive tactics. 

Ladies and gentlemen, it is never about us, but about Yah in us. If there is an attack they are attacking Yah’s Spirit. Be glad, because James says that the outcome is that we will lack nothing. 

Today: Feel better about it. You’re growing. 

For your hearing: 

James 1